While on my recent vacation in Mexico, I treated myself to some completely uninterrupted reading time. I was able to blow through several books and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed each one for varying reasons.

Book #1 was
Bright Lights, Big Ass by Jen Lancaster.
This is her second memoir and a follow-up to her first memoir,
Bitter is the New Black.
I laughed out loud more times than I could count. I love her wit and her ability to poke fun about everything around her, including herself.

After finishing Jen's book, I turned to a book that had lived on my bedside table for about six months, Whose Wedding is it Anyway? by Melissa Senate.
This is classic chick-lit. It was an easy read and had my favorite kind of ending for such a book... A happy one. I hope that doesn't spoil the book for you, but if you are purchasing books published by Red Dress Ink and NOT expecting a happy ending where the good people win and the bad ones lose, then you are delusional. Sorry.
I enjoyed it and it was a great beach read!

Moving right along, I picked up the book that was edited by Dooce, Things I Learned About My Dad (in therapy).
This was a collection of essays by multiple bloggers on fatherhood (being a dad, their dads, their relationships with their dads, etc.). I mostly enjoyed it, but I confess I'm not quite finished with it yet. I only have a couple of essays to go. It still hasn't pulled me all the way in, but since it is a collection of essays, I am only making a few-page commitment each time I open the book.

Finally, we get to the exciting one! Janet Evanovich, my favorite author, just released her 14th in the Stephanie Plum series,
Fearless Fourteen. Appropriately titled, no?
Yesterday, I had to report for Jury Duty for the very first time in my life. I came prepared with my book and a magazine. While the jury duty experience is one for a different blog, let me just say this... Janet hits a home run once again with her series.
I started and finished this book yesterday. The pages practically turned themselves and I was on the edge of my seat, ignoring everything around me the entire time.
For those of you who don't know, this series centers around Stephanie Plum, a bounty hunter in Trenton, New Jersey. She's Lucille Ball-ish in her antics and the cast of characters are written so vividly that when I read the books, I can almost see the characters acting out the story for me.
This is one series that I hope never gets put on the Big Screen. Hollywood could never do justice to the movie that plays in my head each time I open one of these books.
You may not like action/comedy/suspense/romantic adventure stories. If you don't, though, you are missing out on one Hell of a genre.
Go forth and buy the Stephanie Plum series. You will NOT be disappointed!